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вторник, 29 июня 2010 г.

Новые операторы поиска в Google Docs

Google представил новые поисковые операторы для осуществления расширенного поиска в списке документов Google Docs:
  • кавычки (") для поиска точного словосочетания (пример: [ "match this phrase exactly" ] будет выводить список документов, содержащих точную фразу, которая заключена в кавычки);
  • оператор OR для поиска одного из слов (пример: [ "rockets" OR "shuttles" ] будет выводить документы, содержащие или rockets или shuttles, либо и то и другое слова);
  • минус (-) перед словом для исключения (пример: [ rocket -man ] будет выводить документы, содержащие rocket, но не rocket и man);
  • операторы from или to для поиска документов, к которым вами предоставлен доступ или, соответственно, доступ предоставлен вам (пример: [ from:ted@rocketsnlasers.com ] или [ to:ted@rocketsnlasers.com ]);
  • оператор is для поиска отмеченных звездочкой избранных (starred) или скрытых (hidden) документов (пример: [ is:starred ] или [ is:hidden ]);
  • оператор поиска по типу документа type: [ type:{document, spreadsheet, presentation} ] - поиск документа (document), таблицы (spreadsheet) или презентации (presentation);
  • операторы before и after для поиска документов, отредактированных до (before) или позже (after) определенной даты (пример: [ before:YYYY-MM-DD, after:YYYY-MM-DD ]);
  • оператор owner для поиска документов, созданных определенным владельцем (пример: [ owner:ted@rocketsnlasers.com ] будет выводить документы, созданные неким Ted'ом);
  • операторы title и subject для поиска документов с определенным словом в названии (пример: [ title:rocket ]; [ subject:rocket ] одинаково выводят список документов, содержащих в названии "rocket").

Отправлено пользователем Anonymous через Google Reader:

источник: Docs Blog, Автор: Google Docs, дата: 29.06.10

Have you ever tried looking for a document or spreadsheet from a particular time or from a certain person about a specific topic? Let's say you're a rocket scientist and you're looking for the presentation about "Prototype rockets with lasers" that your manager sent you last year.

Normally, you'd just search for [rockets lasers prototypes]. But, lets face it, you're a rocket scientist so you get lots of matching results; just about every document you have is about rockets or lasers.

You could narrow the search in the advanced search menu or you can use Search Operators and refine the search directly in the search box:
  • Quotes for exact phrase matching. Example: [ "match this phrase exactly" ]
  • OR to allow either one of several words. Example: [ "rockets" OR "shuttles" ]
  • Items without a certain word: [ rocket -man ] will return docs that mention rocket, but not rocket man.
  • Items you shared with, or had shared with you: [ from:ted@rocketsnlasers.com ] or [ to:ted@rocketsnlasers.com ]
  • Starred or Hidden items: [ is:starred ] or [ is:hidden ]
And we recently added a some new search operators:
  • Type of doc: [ type:{document, spreadsheet, presentation} ]
  • Items edited before (or after) a certain day: [ before:YYYY-MM-DD, after:YYYY-MM-DD ]
  • Items owned by Ted: [ owner:ted@rocketsnlasers.com ]
  • Items with "rocket" in the title: [ title:rocket ]; [ subject:rocket ] does the same thing
Now you, the rocket scientist, should be able to easily find your boss' presentation by searching for [ rocket laser prototypes from:overhead@rocketsnlasers.com before:2010-01-01 type:presentation ].

Posted by: Vivek Haldar, Software Engineer

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пятница, 25 июня 2010 г.

Обновление Google Chrome Stable Channel до версии 5.0.375.86

Стабильная версия Google Chrome для Linux, Mac и Windows обновлена до 5.0.375.86. В версию по умолчанию интегрирован Adobe Flash Player, что уменьшает риск безопасности использования его устаревших версий, так как обновление происходит автоматически. Отключить Flash Player при необходимости возможно через менеджер плагинов chrome://plugins.

Отправлено пользователем Anonymous через Google Reader:

источник: Google Chrome Releases, Автор: laforge@chromium, дата: 24.06.10

Google Chrome 5.0.375.86 has been released to the Stable channel on Linux, Mac, and Windows.

The integrated flash player has been enabled by default and the following security issues were resolved:
  • [38105] Medium XSS via application/json response (regression). Credit to Ben Davis for original discovery and Emanuele Gentili for regression discovery.
  • [43322] Medium Memory error in video handling. Credit to Mark Dowd under contract to Google Chrome Security Team.
  • [43967] High Subresource displayed in omnibox loading. Credit to Michal Zalewski of Google Security Team.
  • [45267] High Memory error in video handling. Credit to Google Chrome Security Team (Cris Neckar).
  • [$500] [46126] High Stale pointer in x509-user-cert response. Credit to Rodrigo Marcos of SECFORCE.
If you find issues, please let us know: http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/entry

Anthony Laforge,
Google Chrome Team

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среда, 23 июня 2010 г.

Оптическое распознавание символов (OCR) в Google Docs

Документы Google теперь официально поддерживают импорт сканированных документов с оптическим распознаванием символов (OCR) на английском, французском, итальянском, немецком и испанском языках.

Отправлено пользователем Anonymous через Google Reader:

источник: Docs Blog, Автор: Google Docs, дата: 22.06.10

A couple of months ago, my co-worker, Mike, showed up at my desk with a pile of paper, each of the yellowed sheets densely covered with an ancient-looking typewriter font. His wife had recently discovered parts of her family chronicles in the attic, typed up by her grandmother many years ago! Now he was wondering if there was a way for her to continue writing the chronicles in Google Docs.

The papers sat on my desk for a while, but recently, I returned them to Mike with a smile, cheerfully telling him that what started as my 20% project is now ready for everyone to use -- Google Docs now officially supports importing scanned documents. What we launched as an experimental feature for the Documents List Data API last year is now available on the upload page: check the "Convert text from PDF or image files to Google Docs documents", upload your scanned images (JPEG, GIF, PNG) or PDFs, and Google Docs will extract text and formatting from the scans for you to edit away.

For the technically curious: we're using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) that our friends from Google Books helped us set up. OCR works best with high-resolution images, and not all formatting may be preserved. The original images will be included in the new document to make it easier for you to correct mistakes. Supported languages include English, French, Italian, German and Spanish, with more languages and character sets on their way. We're looking forward to get feedback from you while we keep improving the feature over the next months.

And Mike's scanned family chronicles have even been extended by an additional chapter in Google Docs: his wife recently had a baby boy named James!

Posted by: Jaron Schaeffer, Software Engineer, Google Docs

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вторник, 22 июня 2010 г.

Регистрация в Google Voice теперь без инвайтов

Google сообщил об открытии сервиса Google Voice для свободной регистрации пользователей из США без необходимости получения приглашений. Для пользователей из других стран Google Voice по прежнему недоступен и при заходе на него демонстрирует надпись: "Google Voice is not available in your country. Thanks for visiting Google Voice. We're not yet open for users outside the US, but are planning to expand our service to additional countries in the future". Тем не менее, способы регистраци для жителей других стран с использованием штатовских IP и получением штатовского номера телефона существуют.

Отправлено пользователем Anonymous через Google Reader:

источник: The Official Google Blog, Автор: A Googler, дата: 22.06.10

(Cross-posted from the Google Voice Blog)

A little over a year ago, we released an early preview of Google Voice, our web-based platform for managing your communications. We introduced one number to ring all your phones, voicemail that works like email, free calls and text messages to the U.S. and Canada, low-priced international calls and more—the only catch was you had to request and receive an invite to try it out. Today, after lots of testing and tweaking, we're excited to open up Google Voice to the public, no invitation required.

Over the past year, we've introduced a mobile web app, an integrated voicemail player in Gmail, the ability to use Google Voice with your existing number and more. Over a million of you are now actively using Google Voice, and many of the features released over the past year (like SMS to email and our Chrome extension) came as a result of your suggestions, so thanks!

If you haven't yet tried Google Voice, we can't wait for you to try it out and let us know what you think. Check out our revamped features page to learn about everything Google Voice can do, and if you haven't seen it yet, this video provides a good overview in less than two minutes:

We're proud of the progress we've made with Google Voice over the last few years, and we're still just scratching the surface of what's possible when you combine your regular phone service with the latest web technology. It's even more amazing to think about how far communication has come over the last couple hundred years. To put things in context, we created this infographic to visualize some recent history of human communication and how Google Voice uses the web to help people communicate in more ways than ever before (click the image for a larger version):

Update 10:53AM: Just to clarify, though we've opened up sign-ups, Google Voice is still limited to everyone in the U.S. for now.

Posted by Craig Walker & Vincent Paquet, Google Voice Product Managers

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пятница, 18 июня 2010 г.

Обновление снимков в Google Earth и Maps

Google сообщил об очередном обновлении спутниковых снимков и аэрофотоснимков в Google Earth и Google Maps.
Обновления аэроснимков с высоким разрешением произведены для отдельных городов в США, Нидерландах, Южной Африке, Новой Зеландии. Обновление спутниковых снимков с высоким разрешением произведено для следующих стран: Алжир, Аргентина, Боливия, Бразилия, Китай, Колумбия, Куба, Демократическая Республика Конго, Исландия, Индия, Иран, Казахстан, Малайзия, Монголия, Марокко, Мозамбик, Никарагуа, Нигерия, Пакистан, Перу, Филиппины, Россия, Руанда , Сенегал, Сербия, Танзания, Уганда, Уругвай, Венесуэла, Вьетнам.
Для просмотра местностей, для которых произведено обновление снимков, и получения полного представления об этом Google предоставил KML-файл.

Отправлено пользователем Anonymous через Google Reader:

источник: Google LatLong, Автор: Kate, дата: 17.06.10

The Google Earth and Maps team has just finished pushing out yet another imagery update. Though we didn't blog about it at the time, many of our sharp-eyed fans also noticed that we updated a number of cities back on May 26th. There's plenty to see in these last two updates, from hunting for UFOs in Roswell to soaking up the blues while sauntering down Beale Street in Memphis.

High Resolution Aerial Updates:
USA: Nashville, Memphis, Charlotte, Puget Sound Area, Los Angeles, Ft Myers, Roswell NM, Winona MN
The Netherlands: Hoorn, Wijdemermen, Leidschendam, Wassenaar, Olst, Overbetuwe, Sint Hubert, The Hague, Lopik, Houten, Hilversum, Purmerend, Elburg, Enkhizen, Assen, Groningen
South Africa: Soccer City in Johannesburg
New Zealand: Kapiti Coast

Countries receiving High Resolution Satellite Updates:
Algeria, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, China, Colombia, Cuba, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Iceland, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, The Philippines, Russia, Rwanda, Senegal, Serbia, Tanzania, Uganda, Uruguay, Venezuela, Vietnam

For a complete picture of where we updated imagery, download this KML for viewing in Google Earth.

In addition to those updates, we've also added imagery of the flooding that occurred in Nashville to Google Earth's Historical Imagery database. You can access the new Nashville flood imagery by simply opening Google Earth and clicking on the clock icon in the top toolbar.

The historical imagery time slider will appear just beneath the toolbar. The tick marks on the slider represent images in our database that are available for your current view.

Drag the slider with your mouse to flip between images from different dates. In the examples below, you can see before/after images of the flooding in Nashville.

Posted by Matt Manolides, Senior GIS Strategist

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четверг, 17 июня 2010 г.

Расшаривание документов в Google Docs стало проще

Google объявил об отдельных улучшениях в Google Docs, позволяющих легче обмениваться документами, одновременно предоставляя больший контроль владельца над совмеcтным доступом. Документы Google теперь могут быть определены как частные (по умолчанию), для кого-либо по имеющимся ссылкам, или общедоступные публичные в Интернете. Другие улучшения: видимость параметров доступа с первого взгляда в списке документов; упрощение интерфейса до однодиалогового; контролируемое изменение доступа пользователей к документам по ссылкам; одновременное изменение настроек общего доступа для нескольких документов в списке.

Отправлено пользователем Anonymous через Google Reader:

источник: Docs Blog, Автор: Google Docs, дата: 17.06.10

The ability to share my Google Docs is crucial to my productivity. My teammates and I often add comments to docs, collaboratively organize our feature-planning spreadsheet, and send links of interesting company presentations to each other. Like anyone, I want to make sure that I can share these materials with my colleagues easily and efficiently. This is why I'm happy to announce some improvements that make sharing your Docs easier while giving you even more control:

  • Improved visibility options indicating how private or shareable a doc is: Google docs can now be identified as: private; anyone with a link; or public on the web.

    • Private: Docs start out as private. When you first create a doc, you are the only person with access to it. From there, you can give access to other people.
    • Anyone with the link: If you set your doc to "Anyone with the link," it's like an unlisted phone number. In the same way that anyone who knows an unlisted phone number can call it, anyone who knows the web address or URL of that doc can view it.
    • Public on the web allows anyone the ability to find and access that particular doc on the web. For example, you could create a flyer for a concert, save it as a public doc, post a link to it on your blog. Public docs are automatically indexed by search engines like Google, so they may appear in search results as well.

  • Access viewable at a glance: Visibility options for your docs now appear next to every doc title and in the docs list. You can easily see the full list of editors and viewers by clicking on the visibility option next to the doc's title or on the Share button

  • A cleaner, simpler interface: We've removed the three tab interface and replaced it with one dialog that lets you see who has access, manage access and invite others.

  • Resettable doc URL: For a doc set to anyone with a link, you can reset the doc's URL at anytime, which helps you better control who has access to your doc.

  • Bulk changes in the docs list: You can now modify the sharing settings of multiple docs at a time by selecting multiple docs and selecting Share > Sharing settings.
To learn more about how these new visibility options work and for an overview of sharing in Google Docs, check out the videos below:

These changes are rolling out now and should be available to everyone in the next week. These improvements have really made a difference in my Google Docs experience. I can share much more quickly and always tell at a glance who has access to my docs. I hope you find them helpful too. Let us know what you think in the forums.

Posted by: Vikki Chou, Software Engineer

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Редактирование видео в облаке с YouTube Video Editor

Google представил функции онлайн редактора видео YouTube Video Editor, позволяющие без установки какого-либо программного обеспечения:
- объединить несколько загруженных видео в новое большее по размеру видео;
- обрезать видео в начале и/или в конце;
- удалять нежелательные кадры;
- добавлять саундтреки из библиотеки AudioSwap;
- создавать новое видео, не беспокоясь о форматах файлов, и публиковать их в YouTube одним нажатием кнопки без необходимости загрузки.

Отправлено пользователем Anonymous через Google Reader:

источник: YouTube Blog, Автор: Mia, дата: 16.06.10

Video editing usually requires installing software packages and having a fair amount of technical savvy. But we think video editing should be fun and easy, so we're introducing a new tool that anyone -- even this guy -- could figure out: it's an online video editor, now available in TestTube, our ideas incubator.

Without installing any software, it allows you to:
  • Combine multiple videos you've uploaded to create a new longer video
  • Trim the beginning and/or ending of your videos
  • Add soundtracks from our AudioSwap library of tens of thousands of songs
  • Create new videos without worrying about file formats and publish them to YouTube with one click -- no upload necessary
Watch this video from powerposter rewboss to get a sense of how it works:

See? Pretty easy. The editor is ideal for merging single, short clips into a longer video. For example, you can transform clips from your vacation into a video travel diary set to music, or create a highlights reel from footage of your last basketball game.

It's also great for trimming a long video down to the moments you really care about. Say you've uploaded a wedding ceremony -- beautiful event, but do you really need to see all the guests shuffle in? The video editor lets you easily remove unwanted footage so you can capture just the moment when they say "I do."

See what some of our early experimenters have done with (or said about) the tool -- live2tivo even wrote a little ditty for it:

Please play with it and let us know what you think in the comments below and/or check out more info about it in our Help Center. We're looking forward to adding new features based on your feedback to make the video editor more powerful while still retaining its simplicity.

Rushabh Doshi, Software Engineer, recently created "Gnome Tricks," and Joshua Siegel, Product Manager, recently created "Meet the YouTube Video Editor."

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понедельник, 14 июня 2010 г.

Вышла новая версия Google Earth 5.2

Google объявил о выходе версии Google Earth 5.2, основными изменениями в которой являются: визуализация пешеходных, велосипедных и беговых дорожек при помощи подключения GPS-устройств; интегрированный веб-браузер; новые усовершенствования в Google Планета Земля Про.

Отправлено пользователем Anonymous через Google Reader:

источник: Google LatLong, Автор: Kate, дата: 14.06.10

Today we are proud to announce the latest version of the Google Earth desktop application, Google Earth 5.2. With this release, we are bringing exciting new features to both the free version, Google Earth, as well as our paid professional version, Google Earth Pro.

Over the next couple of days we'll be diving into these features in more detail, but I wanted to give you an overview of what Google Earth 5.2 brings.

Visualize your hiking, biking, and running tracks

Google Earth has always been a great tool for viewing your outdoor activities, whether it be hiking, running, biking, skiing, sailing, or just about any other way you choose to explore the world. With the release of Google Earth 5.0, we added the ability to connect your GPS device directly to Google Earth and import your track. Now, with Google Earth 5.2, we've added the ability to view elevation, speed, and other data as a graph directly in Google Earth. Just connect your GPS device to upload your track, and select "View Elevation Profile" from the menu. This will bring up elevation and speed graphs. If your GPS device records additional information such as heart rate or cadence, these will also be available to view in the graph. You can also see statistics such as total elevation, maximum slope, and average speed. You can select a portion of your ride and get statistics for just that section.

We've also improved the way you can play back your trip. Just click on the time animation button, and relive all those twists and turns in your journey. You can even quickly and easily generate a tour of your trip. This video shows a tour that I generated from my bike ride into work.

Integrated web browser

Google Earth is a "geo-browser" - a great tool for exploring places, businesses, and photos around the globe. However, sometimes when you want more information, you may want to click through to a link to see the full Google Places page for a business, or learn more about a photographer whose photo you really enjoy. In the past, this has required opening a link in an external browser to see the full page. For Google Earth 5.2, we've added an embedded browser that lets you browse the full web. Click on a link, and the browser pane slides across the screen. When you want to return to the Earth view, just click the "Back" button and you're back exploring the world!

New improvements to Google Earth Pro

While Google Earth has been downloaded by over 700 million people all around the world, not everyone is aware that we also have a professional version, Google Earth Pro, which gives the powerful tools needed by engineers, real-estate professionals, governments, and others to process and visualize large geographic data sets. Google Earth Pro 5.2 brings new features to our professional users, including:
  • Parcel, demographic, and traffic data layers for the US
  • Improved GIS importing
  • Automatic generation of super-overlays for very large image files
  • Automatic regioning of large point and vector data sets
  • Support for MGRS grid system

We'll be following up shortly with more details on these great new features in Google Earth 5.2. However, if you to get started right now, go to http://earth.google.com to download it. Happy trails!

Posted by Peter Birch, Product Manager

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четверг, 10 июня 2010 г.

Google Alerts для поиска по веб-страницам больше не предоставляется

Оповещения Google больше не предлагают создание оповещений о результатах из Google Web Search - опция "Интернет" ("Web") больше не доступна в меню выбора. Ранее созданные запросы на оповещения по поиску в Интернет на странице "Управление оповещениями" сохранились, но оповещения в автоматическом режиме по ним приходить больше не будут.
В последнее время все больше прослеживаются тенденции ухудшения сервисов Google...

Отправлено пользователем Anonymous через Google Reader:

источник: Google Operating System, Автор: Alex Chitu, дата: 10.06.10

Google will no longer offer alerts for web search results and will replace them with comprehensive alerts that include results from Google Web Search, Google News and Blog Search. Marcel Gordon, Product Manager for Google Alerts, says that web alerts weren't very popular.

"We've decided to retire Web alerts because they are used by very few people and an alert of type Everything will find the same results. This week we'll be changing all alerts of type Web into alerts of type Everything. You may receive more results after this change. If you find that you are getting too many results, you can change the "How often" setting to "once a day" or "once a week." You can also change your search query. You can do this on the alerts management page, or by removing the alert using the link at the bottom of each alert email and creating it again with different settings."

Maybe Google should discontinue Google Alerts and provide regular feeds for search results. Right now, you can create feeds for web search results using Google Alerts, but they have URLs that can't be generated automatically. Google News, Blog Search, and Google Video already offer feeds for search results.

{ Thanks, Abhijeet. }

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среда, 9 июня 2010 г.

Опция "Изменить фон" теперь доступна и на главной странице русскоязычного поиска Google

Отправлено пользователем Anonymous через Google Reader:


источник: Google Russia Blog, Автор: Inessa Roman-Pogorzhelskaya, дата: 09.06.10

Борис Хвостиченко, менеджер по продуктам Google

С момента запуска iGoogle в марте 2005 года мы активно развиваем возможности персонализации, чтобы сделать поиск как можно более релевантным именно для вас. Например, совсем недавно, в марте, мы предложили пользователям отмечать звездочками те результаты поисковой выдачи, которые показались им самыми интересными. Благодаря этой опции, в следующий раз, когда пользователь введет запрос в поисковую строку, выбранные ссылки появятся в разделе «Помеченные результаты» в верхней части страницы. Сегодня мы переходим на новый уровень персонализации. Теперь у вас есть возможность украсить главную страницу Google своей любимой картинкой или фотографией. Войдите в свой аккаунт Google и загрузите изображение со своего компьютера или выберите из личных или общедоступных альбомов, размещенных на сервисе Picasa.

Вы можете использовать любое изображение: фотографию близкого человека или домашнего животного, любимого места, созданный вами коллаж и т.д. Все изображения будут прекрасно смотреться на домашней странице www.google.ru! Если вам надоела ваша картинка, ее всегда можно поменять или отключить.

В ближайшее время вы увидите ссылку «Изменить фон» в левом нижнем углу домашней страницы www.google.ru. Воспользуйтесь ей, чтобы добавить собственное изображение. Для этого вы должны быть залогинены в Google.

Хотите показать, как выглядит ваша страничка? Вы можете поделиться ей с нами с помощью сервиса Twitter, где можно разместить скриншот с указанием хэштега #myGooglepage для удобства поиска.

Мы надеемся, что вам понравится наше нововведение, и поиск Google станет вам еще ближе.

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