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пятница, 18 февраля 2011 г.

12 новых расширений файлов для просмотра через Google Docs Viewer

В Google Docs Viewer добавлена возможность просмотра двенадцати новых типов файлов (помимо ранее имевшихся для документов PDF, Microsoft Word, презентаций PowerPoint):
• Microsoft Excel (.XLS и .XLSX)
• Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 / 2010 (.PPTX)
• Apple Pages (.PAGES)
• Adobe Illustrator (.AI)
• Adobe Photoshop (.PSD)
• Autodesk AutoCad (.DXF)
• Scalable Vector Graphics (.SVG)
• PostScript (.EPS, .PS)
• TrueType (.TTF)
• XML Paper Specification (.XPS)

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источник: Docs Blog, Автор: Google Docs, дата: 19.02.11

Cross posted on the Official Gmail blog
The Google Docs Viewer is used by millions of people every day to quickly view PDFs, Microsoft Word documents and PowerPoint presentations online. Not only is viewing files in your browser far more secure than downloading and opening them locally, but it also saves time and doesn't clutter up your hard-drive with unwanted files.

Today we're excited to launch support for 12 new file types:
  • Microsoft Excel (.XLS and .XLSX)
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 / 2010 (.PPTX)
  • Apple Pages (.PAGES)
  • Adobe Illustrator (.AI)
  • Adobe Photoshop (.PSD)
  • Autodesk AutoCad (.DXF)
  • Scalable Vector Graphics (.SVG)
  • PostScript (.EPS, .PS)
  • TrueType (.TTF)
  • XML Paper Specification (.XPS)
Not only does this round out support for the major Microsoft Office file types (we now support DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, XLS and XLSX), but it also adds quick viewing capabilities for many of the most popular and highly-requested document and image types.

In Gmail, these types of attachments will now show a "View" link, and clicking on this link will bring up the Google Docs Viewer.

You can also upload and share these files in Google Docs, so that anyone can view the content using their browser.

And as always, the Google Docs Viewer is available for use on any website, with both a full Chrome and embedded option. More information can be found here.

Posted by: Anil Sabharwal, Product Manager

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Обновление Google Chrome Beta Channel до версии 10.0

Одновременно с переходом Google Chrome канала для разработчиков к одинадцатой версии, Google Chrome бета-канала для всех платформ (для операционных систем Windows, Mac и Linux) обновлен с девятой версии до десятой (ver. 10.0.648.82).
Основные изменения Chrome десятой версии по сравнению с девятой версией следующие:
• Новая версия V8 (Crankshaft), значительно улучшающая производительность JavaScript.
• Новые страницы настроек, открывающиеся во вкладках, а не в диалоговых окнах, что позволяет открывать их по специально предназначенным URL-адресам, непосредственно вводимым в омнибоксе.
• Повышение безопасности с отчетами о вредоносности и отключение устаревших плагинов по умолчанию.
• Синхронизация паролей в Chrome Sync теперь включена по умолчанию.
• Ускоренное видео графического процессора (GPU) со значительным снижением загрузки процессора и сохранением заряда батарей при наличии совместимых аппаратных графических средств.
• Фоновые WebApps.
• API расширения веб-навигации.
Более подробное описание изменений содержится в официальном блоге Chrome.

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источник: Google Chrome Releases, Автор: Jason Kersey, дата: 17.02.11

The Chrome team is happy to announce the arrival of Chrome 10.0.648.82 to the Beta channel for Windows, Mac, and Linux.  Chrome 10 contains some really great improvements including:
  • New version of V8 - Crankshaft - which greatly improves javascript performance
  • New settings pages that open in a tab, rather than a dialog box
  • Improved security with malware reporting and disabling outdated plugins by default
  • Password sync as part of Chrome Sync now enabled by default
  • GPU Accelerated Video
  • Background WebApps
  • webNavigation extension API
More on what's new at the Official Chrome Blog.  You can find full details about the changes that are in Chrome 10 in the SVN revision log. If you find new issues, please let us know by filing a bug. Want to change to another Chrome release channel? Find out how.

Jason Kersey
Google Chrome

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Обновление Google Chrome Dev Channel до версии 11.0

Google Chrome канала для разработчиков обновлен с десятой версии до одиннадцатой (ver. 11.0.672.2) для операционных систем Windows, Mac и Linux. Google Chrome Canary Build обновился до одиннадцатой версии ранее.

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источник: Google Chrome Releases, Автор: Karen Grunberg, дата: 17.02.11

The Dev channel has been updated to 11.0.672.2 for Mac, Windows and Linux platforms

  • Updated V8 -
  • Fixed the crash when loading tabbed options in some cases.
  • Fixed a crash triggered when canceling a download. (Issue 70592)
  • Fixed a crash triggered by form resubmissions. (Issue 70315)
  • FTP: fixed a compatibility issue. (Issue 70394)
  • XSS Auditor re-designed and enabled by default. It's still experimental (and there are known bypasses), but we're looking for feedback about false positives.
  • Fixed a crash during plugin shutdown
  • Tab overview mode is on by default.
  • Added unspoofable infobars. (Issue 57106)
  • Accelerometer data is more reliable.
Known Issues
  • Temporarily dropped support for building with system sqlite: (Issues 70589 and 22208)

More details about additional changes are available in the log of all revisions.

You can find out about getting on the Dev channel here: http://dev.chromium.org/getting-involved/dev-channel.

If you find new issues, please let us know by filing a bug at http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/entry

Karen Grunberg
Google Chrome

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четверг, 17 февраля 2011 г.

Новая навигационная панель Google

В англоязычном интерфейсе отдельных сервисов Google (пока это Google Search, Google Image Search, Google Instant Search, Google Maps и Gmail) обновлена панель навигации:
- доступ к настройкам сгруппирован вместо отдельных ссылок в раскрывающемся меню единого значка (как "гаечном ключе" Google Chrome);
- ссылки на сервисы более адаптированы для использования на сенсорных устройствах, а также вместо подчеркивания выделяются надстрочным цветом;
- показывается не адрес электронной почты активного аккаунта, а имя владельца;
- немного усложнен доступ к переключению аккаунтов в случае использования функций множественного входа или делегирования почты.

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источник: Google Operating System, Автор: Alex Chitu, дата: 17.02.11

The new navigation bar is slowly rolled out to all Google users. After more than 6 months of testing, the new navigation bar removes the clutter by grouping extraneous links in a menu inspired by Google Chrome. It also removes link underlining and replaces it with a colored bar. There's more spacing between the links, so the new navigation bar works better on a touchscreen device.

Another change is that Google shows your name instead of your email address. For some reason, Google doesn't link to the Google Profile and makes it more difficult to switch to a different account if you use multiple sign-in or Gmail delegation. Now you need to click "Switch account" to see the list of accounts you can use.

Unfortunately, Google didn't manage to add the bar to all its services, so you'll only see it if you use Google Web Search, Google Image Search, Google Realtime Search, Google Maps and Gmail.

{ Thanks, Benjamin and Locutus.}

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среда, 16 февраля 2011 г.

Визуализация собственных данных в Google Public Data Explorer

В Google Labs запущен сервис загрузки собственного пользовательского набора данных для Public Data Explorer. Public Data Explorer - инструмент для визуализации и анализа статистических данных (таких как безработица, демография, преступность и многое другое), еженедельно подгружаемых Google от своих партнеров-поставщиков данных. Теперь Google открыл и сделал доступным новый формат данных DSPL и предоставил интерфейс для загрузки данных самими пользователями.

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источник: The Official Google Blog, Автор: A Googler, дата: 16.02.11

(Cross-posted on the Google Code Blog)

Over the past two years, we've made public data easier to find, explore and understand in several ways, providing unemployment figures, population statistics and world development indicators in search results, and introducing the Public Data Explorer tool. Together with our data provider partners, we've curated 27 datasets including more than 300 data metrics. You can now use the Public Data Explorer to visualize everything from labor productivity (OECD) to Internet speed (Ookla) to gender balance in parliaments (UNECE) to government debt levels (IMF) to population density by municipality (Statistics Catalonia), with more data being added every week.

Today, we're opening the Public Data Explorer to your data. We're making a new data format, the Dataset Publishing Language (DSPL), openly available, and providing an interface for anyone to upload their datasets. DSPL is an XML-based format designed from the ground up to support rich, interactive visualizations like those in the Public Data Explorer. The DSPL language and upload interface are available in Google Labs.

To upload a dataset, click on the "My Datasets" link on the left-hand side of the Public Data Explorer. Once imported, a dataset can be visualized, embedded in external websites, shared with others and published. If you're an official provider, you can request that your datasets appear in the Public Data Explorer directory; please contact us to discuss this process.

With this new capability, we hope more datasets can come to life through Public Data Explorer visualisations and enable people to better understand the world around them and make more informed, data-driven decisions. Stay tuned for more datasets, visualization features and DSPL extensions in the future.

Posted by Omar Benjelloun, Technical Lead, Google Public Data Team

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четверг, 10 февраля 2011 г.

Расширенный 2-х ступенчатый безопасный вход в аккаунт Google

Google в целях повышения безопасности вводит возможность включения двухступенчатой верификации при доступе к аккаунту, основанной на дополнительном (помимо логина и пароля) вводе кода, полученного с помощью зарегистрированного телефона. Включить двухуровневую проверку можно на странице "Мой аккаунт" в разделе "Личные настройки" (новая ссылка "Using 2-step verification"). Более подробно данной о функции можно узнать в Справочном центре Google.
Функция "2-step verification" станет доступна пользователям в течение нескольких дней. Пока же для большинства аккаунтов при входе по ссылке "Using 2-step verification" присутствует только надпись: "This is an advanced feature. 2-step verification for this account will be available soon. Using 2-step verification will help prevent strangers from accessing your account with just a stolen password. When you sign in with 2-step verification, you'll verify your identity using both a password and a code that you receive on your phone". Для русскоязычного интерфейса указанная страница пока вообще отсутствует.

Отправлено пользователем Anonymous через Google Reader:

источник: The Official Google Blog, Автор: A Googler, дата: 10.02.11

(Cross-posted on the Gmail Blog)

Has anyone you know ever lost control of an email account and inadvertently sent spam—or worse—to their friends and family? There are plenty of examples (like the classic "Mugged in London" scam) that demonstrate why it's important to take steps to help secure your activities online. Your Gmail account, your photos, your private documents—if you reuse the same password on multiple sites and one of those sites gets hacked, or your password is conned out of you directly through a phishing scam, it can be used to access some of your most closely-held information.

Most of us are used to entrusting our information to a password, but we know that some of you are looking for something stronger. As we announced to our Google Apps customers a few months ago, we've developed an advanced opt-in security feature called 2-step verification that makes your Google Account significantly more secure by helping to verify that you're the real owner of your account. Now it's time to offer the same advanced protection to all of our users.

2-step verification requires two independent factors for authentication, much like you might see on your banking website: your password, plus a code obtained using your phone. Over the next few days, you'll see a new link on your Account Settings page that looks like this:

Take your time to carefully set up 2-step verification—we expect it may take up to 15 minutes to enroll. A user-friendly set-up wizard will guide you through the process, including setting up a backup phone and creating backup codes in case you lose access to your primary phone. Once you enable 2-step verification, you'll see an extra page that prompts you for a code when you sign in to your account. After entering your password, Google will call you with the code, send you an SMS message or give you the choice to generate the code for yourself using a mobile application on your Android, BlackBerry or iPhone device. The choice is up to you. When you enter this code after correctly submitting your password we'll have a pretty good idea that the person signing in is actually you.

It's an extra step, but it's one that significantly improves the security of your Google Account because it requires the powerful combination of both something you know—your username and password—and something that only you should have—your phone. A hacker would need access to both of these factors to gain access to your account. If you like, you can always choose a "Remember verification for this computer for 30 days" option, and you won't need to re-enter a code for another 30 days. You can also set up one-time application-specific passwords to sign in to your account from non-browser based applications that are designed to only ask for a password, and cannot prompt for the code.

To learn more about 2-step verification and get started, visit our Help Center. And for more about staying safe online, see our ongoing security blog series or visit http://www.staysafeonline.org/. Be safe!

Posted by Nishit Shah, Product Manager, Google Security

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среда, 9 февраля 2011 г.

Google сделал Jules Verne doodle постоянно доступным

Интерактивный Google Doodle, размещенный на главной странице Google в виде мини-приложения 8 февраля 2011 года к 183-летию со дня рождения Жюля Верна, стал постоянно доступным в виде отдельного полноразмерного HD веб-приложения (так же, как и в свое время PAC-MAN) по адресу www.google.com/logos/verne_hd.html под названием "Jules Verne doodle".

Отправлено пользователем Anonymous через Google Reader:

источник: The Official Google Blog, Автор: A Googler, дата: 09.02.11

It wasn't very difficult for something to spark my imagination when I was a child—whether it was a pile of leaves or a couch of stackable cushions, just about anything could jump-start my creativity. My first encounter with Jules Verne's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, however, sent my imagination into hyper drive.

I first found the novel while browsing through a random aisle in my local library. The cover was dark, murky and a little worn—but it was the most spectacular thing I'd ever seen. A pair of old-fashioned divers drag their feet over the ocean floor, watching a school of fish drift by. They don't seem to notice the twisting silhouette of a monster inching toward them.

The cover alone pulled me in, but I didn't want to spoil all of the possible story lines by actually reading the book. Looking back, I realize that what fascinated me most was the unknown: a creative spark and the imaginative exploration that followed. Since then, I've become more familiar with his work and still believe that exploration is the essence of Verne's novels. His stories pull the readers into a world filled with infinite potential—be it in the clouds, on land or under the sea.

Today's doodle, celebrating Verne's 183rd birthday, tries to capture that sense of adventure and exploration. Using CSS3 (and with help from our resident tech wizards Marcin Wichary and Kris Hom), the doodle enables anyone to navigate the Nautilus (nearly) 20,000 leagues with the simple pull of a lever. And for those using devices with built-in accelerometers and the latest versions of Google Chrome or Firefox, it's even simpler—just tilt your device in the direction you want to explore and the Nautilus will follow.

So voyage below (and above) the waves to see what you can discover... just make sure to keep an eye out for the giant squid.

Update Feb 9, 8:44 AM: You can now explore the ocean from our Jules Verne doodle in full view and HD.

Posted by Jennifer Hom, Google Doodler

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Google представил сервис Google Hotpot

Отправлено пользователем Anonymous через Google Reader:

источник: Google Russia Blog, Автор: Boris Khvostichenko, дата: 09.02.11

Борис Хвостиченко, менеджер по продуктам

На прошлой неделе в России стал доступен сервис Google Hotpot, который позволяет вам и вашим друзьям обмениваться мнениями об интересных местах.

Пользоваться системой очень просто - вы вместе с вашими друзья оцениваете разные заведения: рестораны, гостиницы, кафе, клубы и т.д. либо через сайт google.ru/hotpot, либо из Поиска или Карт Google, либо с мобильного телефона. Когда в следующий раз вы будете искать в Google, вы увидите места, соответствующие вашим вкусам, а также рекомендации и отзывы ваших друзей.

Давайте я детально расскажу, как это работает:
  1. Я захожу в какое-нибудь место и с помощью виджета на Android или через Мобильные карты Google ставлю оценку заведению. Я также могу это сделать и позже через Поиск Google или через Карты Google

  1. Я добавляю друзей, чтобы они видели мои рекомендации, и чтобы я смог получать рекомендации от них (необходим Аккаунт Google)

  1. Когда в следующий раз я буду что-то искать на Google.ru или на Картах Google, мы покажем вам не только общие оценки, но также оценки ваших друзей и персональные рекомендации.

Рекомендации, соответствующие вашим вкусам и предпочтениям ваших друзей, сделают результаты поиска Google еще более полезными. Вполне возможно, вы откроете для себя новые замечательные места. Если вы еще не завели друзей на Hotpot, вы можете в любой момент пригласить их, и тогда на вкладке "Мнения друзей" вы увидите их впечатления о любимых местах.

Желаем вам удачных оценок и полезных рекомендаций!

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понедельник, 7 февраля 2011 г.

Google готов заплатить премию за взлом браузера Chrome

Google объявил премию в размере 20 тысяч долларов США за взлом браузера Chrome на пятом хакерском конкурсе Pwn2Own, который будет проходить в Ванкувере с 9 по 11 марта 2011 года в рамках ежегодной конференции по безопасности CanSecWest.

Отправлено пользователем Anonymous через Google Reader:

источник: Chromium Blog, Автор: Ian Fette, дата: 07.02.11

We're excited that the Google Chrome browser will feature in this year's Pwn2Own contest. Chrome wasn't originally going to be included as a target browser in the competition, but Google volunteered to sponsor Chrome's participation by contributing monetary rewards for Chrome exploits. For the past year we've enjoyed working with the security community and rewarding researchers for high quality work through our Chromium Security Reward program. Sponsoring this contest to discover more bugs was a logical step. We thought we'd answer some frequently asked questions in the form of a Q&A session:

Q) Is Chrome OS a target?
A) No, not this year, as Chrome OS is still in beta. Per HP TippingPoint / ZDI guidelines, the actual target will be the latest stable version of the Chrome browser at the time, running on an up-to-date Windows 7 system. A Chrome OS device will, however, be awarded in addition to the prize money.

Q) Are you betting that Chrome can't be hacked?
A) No. We think the Chrome browser has a strong security architecture, and Chrome has fared well in past years at Pwn2Own. But we know that web browsers from all vendors are very large pieces of software that invariably do have some bugs and complex external dependencies. That's why the Chromium Security Reward program exists, along with our newer web application reward program. As a team comprised largely of security researchers, we think it's important to reward the security community for their work which helps us learn. Naturally, we'll learn the most from real examples of Chrome exploits.

Q) How do the rules work?
A) We worked with ZDI to come up with a rules structure that would reward exploits in code specific to Chromium and in third-party components such as the kernel or device drivers.

Of course, we prefer to pay rewards for bugs in our own code because we learn more and can make fixes directly. On day 1 of the competition, Google will sponsor $20,000 for a working exploit in Chrome, if it uses only Chrome bugs to compromise the browser and escape the sandbox. Days 2 and 3 will also allow for bugs in the kernel, device drivers, system libraries, etc., and the $20,000 prize will be sponsored at $10,000 by Google and $10,000 by ZDI to reflect the occurrence of the exploit partially outside of the Chrome code itself.

Note that ZDI is responsible for the rules and may change them at their own discretion.

Q) Does this competition impact the Chromium Security Reward program?
A) The program still pays up to $3,133.7 per bug. As always, submissions to the program don't require exploits in order to be rewarded. In addition, we continue to reward classes of bugs (such as cross-origin leaks) that would otherwise not be eligible for prizes at Pwn2Own. We encourage researchers to continue submitting their bugs through the Chromium Security Reward program.

Posted by Chris Evans, Google Chrome Security Team

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четверг, 3 февраля 2011 г.

Обновление Google Chrome Stable Channel до версии 9.0

Стабильная версия Google Chrome для всех платформ (Linux, Mac и Windows) обновлена до 9.0.597.84. Основные улучшения в релизе девятой стабильной версии относительно предыдущей восьмой описаны на официальном Google Chrome Blog.

Отправлено пользователем Anonymous через Google Reader:

источник: Google Chrome Releases, Автор: laforge@chromium, дата: 03.02.11

The stable channel has been updated to 9.0.597.84 for all platforms. Details about the features included in this release can be found on the Google Chrome Blog, in addition this release contains the following security fixes.
Security fixes and rewards:
Please see the Chromium security page for more detail. Note that the referenced bugs may be kept private until a majority of our users are up to date with the fix.
Special thanks to thecommunity, for playing so much of the game "Z-Type" that they uncovered a Chromium audio bug -- see below!

  1. [Mac only] [42989Low Minor sandbox leak via stat()Credit to Daniel Cheng of the Chromium development community.
  2. [$1000] [55831High Use-after-free in image loadingCredit to Aki Helin of OUSPG.
  3. [59081Low Apply some restrictions to cross-origin drag + drop. Credit to Google Chrome Security Team (SkyLined) and the Google Security Team (Michal Zalewski, David Bloom).
  4. [62791Low Browser crash with extension with missing key. Credit to Brian Kirchoff.
  5. [$1000] [64051High Crashing when printing in PDF event handlerCredit to Aki Helin of OUSPG.
  6. [65669Low Handle merging of autofill profiles more gracefully. Credit to Google Chrome Security Team (Inferno).
  7. [Mac only] [66931Low Work around a crash in the Mac OS 10.5 SSL libraries. Credit to Dan Morrison.
  8. [68244Low Browser crash with bad volume setting. Credit to Matthew Heidermann.
  9. [69195Critical Race condition in audio handlingCredit to the gamers of Reddit!

In addition, we would like to thank Aki Helin, Sergey Glazunov, Ben Hawkes of the Google Security Team, Benoit Jacob, Simon Fraser and miaubiz for reporting bugs to us during the development cycle, so that they never affected the stable channel. Various rewards were issued for this help.

If you find new issues, please let us know by filing a bug. Want to change to another Chrome release channel? Find out how.

Anthony Laforge
Google Chrome

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среда, 2 февраля 2011 г.

Bing от Microsoft использует результаты поиска Google

В связи с появлением у Google подозрений в том, что Bing в своей выдаче использует результаты поиска Google, компанией был проведен эксперимент, доказавший верность данного предположения.
В целях проверки гипотезы командой Google было создано около 100 "синтетических запросов", т. е. таких "фейковых" запросов, которых невозможно было бы ожидать от пользователей (например, [hiybbprqag], [delhipublicschool40 chdjob], [juegosdeben1ogrande], [torsoraphy], [mbzrxpgjys], [indoswiftjobinproduction] и т. п.). Во время эксперимента по каждому синтетическому запросу в качестве лучшего результата Google искусственно вставлялись уникальные реальные веб-страницы, не имеющие ничего общего с запросом. Другими словами, для любой другой поисковой системы не было абсолютно никаких причин возвращать в выдаче данные веб-страницы для соответствующего синтетического запроса. После старта эксперимента 20 инженеров Google с ноутбуков вводили синтетические запросы в окне поиска на главной странице Google и нажимали на "подставные" результаты. В течение нескольких недель после начала этого эксперимента, вставленные Google искусственные результаты начали появляться в Bing, что явно свидетельствует о дешевой имитации "инновационных" технологий поисковой системы от Microsoft, использующей результаты Google и тем самым неявно подтверждающей преимущество и качество поисковых технологий Google.

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источник: The Official Google Blog, Автор: A Googler, дата: 01.02.11

By now, you may have read Danny Sullivan's recent post: "Google: Bing is Cheating, Copying Our Search Results" and heard Microsoft's response, "We do not copy Google's results." However you define copying, the bottom line is, these Bing results came directly from Google.

I'd like to give you some background and details of our experiments that lead us to understand just how Bing is using Google web search results.

It all started with tarsorrhaphy. Really. As it happens, tarsorrhaphy is a rare surgical procedure on eyelids. And in the summer of 2010, we were looking at the search results for an unusual misspelled query [torsorophy]. Google returned the correct spelling—tarsorrhaphy—along with results for the corrected query. At that time, Bing had no results for the misspelling. Later in the summer, Bing started returning our first result to their users without offering the spell correction (see screenshots below). This was very strange. How could they return our first result to their users without the correct spelling? Had they known the correct spelling, they could have returned several more relevant results for the corrected query.

This example opened our eyes, and over the next few months we noticed that URLs from Google search results would later appear in Bing with increasing frequency for all kinds of queries: popular queries, rare or unusual queries and misspelled queries. Even search results that we would consider mistakes of our algorithms started showing up on Bing.

We couldn't shake the feeling that something was going on, and our suspicions became much stronger in late October 2010 when we noticed a significant increase in how often Google's top search result appeared at the top of Bing's ranking for a variety of queries. This statistical pattern was too striking to ignore. To test our hypothesis, we needed an experiment to determine whether Microsoft was really using Google's search results in Bing's ranking.

We created about 100 "synthetic queries"—queries that you would never expect a user to type, such as [hiybbprqag]. As a one-time experiment, for each synthetic query we inserted as Google's top result a unique (real) webpage which had nothing to do with the query. Below is an example:

To be clear, the synthetic query had no relationship with the inserted result we chose—the query didn't appear on the webpage, and there were no links to the webpage with that query phrase. In other words, there was absolutely no reason for any search engine to return that webpage for that synthetic query. You can think of the synthetic queries with inserted results as the search engine equivalent of marked bills in a bank.

We gave 20 of our engineers laptops with a fresh install of Microsoft Windows running Internet Explorer 8 with Bing Toolbar installed. As part of the install process, we opted in to the "Suggested Sites" feature of IE8, and we accepted the default options for the Bing Toolbar.

We asked these engineers to enter the synthetic queries into the search box on the Google home page, and click on the results, i.e., the results we inserted. We were surprised that within a couple weeks of starting this experiment, our inserted results started appearing in Bing. Below is an example: a search for [hiybbprqag] on Bing returned a page about seating at a theater in Los Angeles. As far as we know, the only connection between the query and result is Google's result page (shown above).

We saw this happen for multiple queries. For the query [delhipublicschool40 chdjob] we inserted a search result for a credit union:

The same credit union soon showed up on Bing for that query:

For the query [juegosdeben1ogrande] we inserted a page of hip hop bling jewelry:

And the same hip hop bling page showed up in Bing:

As we see it, this experiment confirms our suspicion that Bing is using some combination of:
or possibly some other means to send data to Bing on what people search for on Google and the Google search results they click. Those results from Google are then more likely to show up on Bing. Put another way, some Bing results increasingly look like an incomplete, stale version of Google results—a cheap imitation.

At Google we strongly believe in innovation and are proud of our search quality. We've invested thousands of person-years into developing our search algorithms because we want our users to get the right answer every time they search, and that's not easy. We look forward to competing with genuinely new search algorithms out there—algorithms built on core innovation, and not on recycled search results from a competitor. So to all the users out there looking for the most authentic, relevant search results, we encourage you to come directly to Google. And to those who have asked what we want out of all this, the answer is simple: we'd like for this practice to stop.

Posted by Amit Singhal, Google Fellow

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